Monday, March 28, 2011

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Edar Alam Semesta yang menawaf umpama Ka'abah

Writing: al-Hindi's

Al-Ghazali's views on philosophy of a Short Review  
In the fifth century Hijrah, the flow of conflict occurs in the search for truth. It was then that, there is al-Ghazali (450-505h) coloring competition make the judgments of its own methodology of ideas and trends that exist.At the time of al-Ghazali, there are four streams of trying to find the truth, namely: i) Members of Kalam, the people who try to keep the faith of the confusion of heresy. ii) Ta'lim sect, which believes that the batiniyyah permission from the priest who Maksum. iii) The philosophy, namely that many of them using logic and reason to make the proof. iv) Members of the Sufi, both those who claim close to God as a member of musyahadah.

From the study of al-Ghazali, he found only the last group who really deserved to find the truth. Kalam tribal members are sincere, but he has not been satisfactory because of frequent use of convoluted arguments and wrong. The sect or creed Batiniyyah Ta'lim he was regarded as a heresy and should be avoided.

While the trend is there a correct philosophy, and some criticized by al-Ghazali as the extreme to make sense to give priority to finding the truth, especially in matters divine (metaphysics). Before rejecting the philosophy, he earnestly learn it by studying the books of philosophers, even without a teacher. Once refined, understood and studied philosophy of mind, a philosophy he finds errors, ambiguities, vagueness and imagination.

In the book 'al-ad-Dhalal Munqidh Min, "Imam al-Ghazali has divided philosophers into three classes;

1. First: Ad-Dahriyyun (materialist), ie the past which does not believe in the existence of God the Creator. They believe the universe exists by itself without any creator.
2. Second: At-Tabieyyun (Naturalist), a group that focuses on environmental studies and tabie. They acknowledge the existence of God the Creator, but to deny the Day of Judgement, heaven, hell and the good count.
3. Third: Al-Ilahiyyun (theist), the latter of which is among philosophers such as Socrates (469-399 BC), Plato (427-347 BC) and Aristotles (385-322 BC).

Al-Ghazali states the first (materialist) and second (Naturalist) is lost because each deny the existence of God the Creator and the resurrection people. He also rejected the third, although they are also opposed to the materialist ideology and Naturalist. Not forgetting, al-Ghazali had misled their followers of the Islamic philosophers like Ibn Sina (370-428 H) and al-Farabi (873-950 H).

According to Qasim Mahmud in his speech Commemorative Celebration in Damascus, al-Ghazali in 1961, things are not favored by al-Ghazali in relation to the Muslim philosophers like al-Farabi and Ibn Sina was the attitude of those who bertaklid to the previous question- religious questions based on what is available about the truth of their knowledge in mathematics, engineering, astronomy and the sciences are not touched by religion. Al-Ghazali then attacked the philosophers, especially Ibn Sina and al-Farabi in his book 'al-Falasifah Maqasid', and also strengthened its attack to the falsehood of philosophy in his book 'al-Falasifah Tahafut. (Awang, 1998)

According to al-Ghazali, philosopher, a lot of offense in Ilahiyyat (Metaphysics), namely the knowledge to discuss the things of God. There are twenty questions in this case is considered heresy by al-Ghazali, and three of them to be judged wrong and against Islam, namely:

1. Revival denial of the human body.
2. Limitations of knowledge of God only to matters kulliyyat (general) just do not know da details.
3. The view that nature is qadim.

As a result of criticism of al-Ghazali, he has managed to topple the supremacy of the scientific philosophy of the throne which has been seen by the public character. He also managed to reveal in detail the weaknesses and tembelang philosophy, especially through his work, "al-Falasifah Tahafut." Philosophy of Islam who was dipopulari by Ibn Sina and al-Farabi and respected by society to be despised and shunned by the Muslims.

Nevertheless, philosophers alive again after his appearance with Rusd Ibn 'Tahafut at-Tahafut' to maintain the philosophy and answering back critics of al-Ghazali. In this case, no western scholar who wrote, "... al-Ghazali was stabbed in the eastern philosophy with fatal stab wounds, nearly so well as the situation in the west, but has defended Ibn Rusd. Philosophy survive for a period of one hundred years. "